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the love hypothesis
it ends with us
king Henry viii king and court
the death cure
little house on the prairie
our island story
everything for a dog
a dog's way home
a dog's purpose
Salem witch trials
Britt Marie was here
in love
city of bones
clockwork angel
the iron trial
Miami blue
the illustrated story of england
swimming between worlds
a little princess
to kill a mockingbird
a stolen life
the origins of the Anglo-Saxons
the summer he didn't die
because of Winn-Dixie
the bad beginning
this is where it ends
the fairytale detectives
fahrenheit 451
the play thing
dark knights and dingy castles
heaven is for real
the hostile land
the notebook
the stand
harry Potter
inside out
pride and prejudice
reminders of him
the locked door
sea of tranquility
Malibu rising
my evil mother
the book of cold cases
one by one
crying in h mart
a court of thrones and roses
kiss and don't tell
they both die at the end
the druid
the Paris apartment
a million kisses in your lifetime
changing with the tides
Welsh ghost stories
shatter me
firefly lane
left behind
a work in progress
the mercy recluse
banner in the sky
half broken horses
the fault In our stars
Me before you
the spelldown
do not pass go
one for the Murphy's
every last lie
saving zasha
black beauty
she dared
silent Squall
the braver things
all together now
for this life only
summer island
table for five
that summer place
the da Vinci code
Hosea's bride
November at the heart
an honorable gentleman
somewhere to call home
the book thief
the lucky one
Romeo and Juliet
to my husband and other poems
her own rules
hidden fires
punk 57
the investigator
what happened to the bennetts
dream town
daisy Jones and the six
the selection
under one roof
ruthless rival
1st to die
the midnight library
once upon a broken heart
a thousand beginnings and endings
billy creekmore
crime and punishment
eating smoke
the chronicals of Narnia
the girl who played with fire
house of earth and blood
the kite runner
a study in scarlet
the adventures of huckleberry Finn
out of my mind
cats eye
a long walk to water
Alaskan sweethearts
bcc the shakleton sabotage
Billie and the parent plan
the night train to berlin
the one and only ivan
ann of green gables
finding zasha
The housemaid
part of your world
the fire kimono
every last one
the great Chicago fire
the shark attacks
the destruction of pompeii
dwk double down
case histories
the hangman's daughter
the river king
world without end
code name verify
bring me back
think of a number
the silent patient
the vendetta defense
the lost apothecary
summer people
the 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared
the souvenir museum
true to form
what we keep
black and blue
back when we were grown ups
a map of the world
close to famous
rd 1996
rd 1997
rd 1998
rd 2000
rd 2001
rd ya 4
rd rd
is everyone hanging without me
why not me
how to make a French family
does this beach make me look fat
the girls in the picture
the birth of venus
the diplomats wife
the poppy wife
blood brothers
valley of silence
the winter lodge
honey girl
the best of me
an engagement in Seattle
the lost and found bookshop
use me or lose me
turned out
how to eat a cupcake
the third angel
one less problem without you
cross her heart
Hannah's war
the man you'll marry
the five people you meet in heaven
Eli's promise
run away
rd 2016
the deep end of the ocean
the last time they met
the divide
winter of the world
for one more day
white fur
all dressed in white
songs in ordinary time
the last lecture
sea glass
nights of rain and stars
beautiful ruins
winter moon
world that we knew
the silent patient
Marley and me
the hurricane sisters
heart and soul
as bright as heaven
Manhattan beach
the thirteenth tale
what the heart remembers
fifty shades of grey
a fine balance
have you seen Luis Velez
tuck ever lasting
black dog
after Anna
the orphan collector
fall of giants
the girls of atomic city
the red tent
scarlet feather
the survivors club
the wonder
circling the sun
life and other inconveniences
the last song
paper towns
a bend in the road
the bone clocks
Tara road
the alchemist
brave new world
gone girl
a game of thrones
the perks of being a wallflower
Ella enchanted
the rose code
tragedy girl
people we meet on vacation
the vanishing half
the kindest lie
one last stop
storm and fury
a deadly education
the tommyknockers
Gerald's game
rose madder
Dolores Claiborne
a good girls guide to murder
the bartenders cure
the magnolia palace
chain of gold
the house of cerulean sea
beach read
anxious people
daughter of the Forest
the collapsing empire
what Alice forgot
the guest list
shadow and bone
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
the woman in the window
the dutch house
Eleanor oliphant is completely fine
the girl on the train
an American marriage
the push
little fires everywhere
paper princess
the gates of alamo
the wife between us
three fates
the bad place
that night
a sucky love story
honeybees and frenemies
the snakes
the house of brides
the nowhere child
those girls
off the rails
my first rodeo
by silent majority
a whisper of horses
in the shadow of boackbirds
the witches kind
the girl who smiled beads
president of poplar lane
the upside
miracle in the cave
exit strategy
polite society
which way is home
gone too long
last tango in cyberspace
book lovers
daughter of the moon goddess
black sun
blade of secrets
throne of glass
the diamond eye
a flicker in the dark
the handmaid's tale
the Thursday murder club
the cruel prince
the invisible life of Addie larue
my summer darlings
my annihilation
the sun down motel
the bachelor girls guide to murder
the southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires
the Martian
the great Gatsby
one of us is lying
like water for chocolate
Norse mythology
such a fun age
the color purple
the great alone
moon called
the night circus
the nightingale
ask again, yes
small great things
ugly love
invisible ghosts
the book of the city of ladies
cold mountain
hush hush
the charmed list
who'd have thought
strike the zither
the cartographers
dead until dark
the giver
love in the time of cholera
the goldfinch
the stopover
love on the brain
the inheritance games
my sister's grave
all your perfects
rich blood
lessons in chemistry
regretting you
one of the girls
real bad things
the measure
still life
you made a fool of death with your beauty
the latecomer
gender queer
Abby takes a stand
the atomic city girls
red, white, and royal blue
nine perfect strangers
the poppy war
the Alice network
two can keep a secret
an anonymous girl
station eleven
little women
the mysterious affair at styles
the name of the rose
bury my heart at wounded knee
she's come undone
red dragon
dark places
all the king's men
the firm
the bonfire of the vanities
Franny and zooey
my dark Vanessa
the sheltering sky
hard times
416 entries

    IVE GOT BOOKS to Spin the wheel, It sounds like you have a collection of books! Having books is a great way to expand your knowledge, improve your reading skills, and enjoy a variety of stories and perspectives. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: the love hypothesis, it ends with us, king Henry viii king and court, the death cure, butterfly, crossed, little house on the prairie, our island story, everything for a dog, a dog's way home, a dog's purpose, Salem witch trials, Britt Marie was here, in love, fablehaven, city of bones, clockwork angel, the iron trial, Miami blue, the illustrated story of england, swimming between worlds, a little princess, slacker, to kill a mockingbird, a stolen life, the origins of the Anglo-Saxons, the summer he didn't die, because of Winn-Dixie, the bad beginning, this is where it ends, the fairytale detectives, fahrenheit 451, the play thing, dark knights and dingy castles, heaven is for real, the hostile land, the notebook, the stand, harry Potter, inside out, twilight, pride and prejudice, reminders of him, the locked door, sea of tranquility, Malibu rising, my evil mother, the book of cold cases, one by one, flirt, spyxfamily, crying in h mart, a court of thrones and roses, kiss and don't tell, they both die at the end, the druid, the Paris apartment, a million kisses in your lifetime, changing with the tides, Welsh ghost stories, shatter me, firefly lane, left behind, a work in progress, the mercy recluse, banner in the sky, half broken horses, the fault In our stars, Me before you, the spelldown, do not pass go, one for the Murphy's, every last lie, saving zasha, black beauty, she dared, silent Squall, the braver things, all together now, for this life only, summer island, table for five, that summer place, the da Vinci code, Hosea's bride, November at the heart, an honorable gentleman, somewhere to call home, the book thief, the lucky one, Romeo and Juliet, to my husband and other poems, her own rules, hidden fires, punk 57, the investigator, what happened to the bennetts, dream town, daisy Jones and the six, the selection, under one roof, ruthless rival, 1st to die, the midnight library, once upon a broken heart, a thousand beginnings and endings, kulti, billy creekmore, crime and punishment, eating smoke, the chronicals of Narnia, the girl who played with fire, house of earth and blood, the kite runner, a study in scarlet, the adventures of huckleberry Finn, bully, grown, refugee, out of my mind, cats eye, a long walk to water, Alaskan sweethearts, bcc the shakleton sabotage, Billie and the parent plan, the night train to berlin, the one and only ivan, ann of green gables, finding zasha, The housemaid, part of your world, the fire kimono, every last one, the great Chicago fire, the shark attacks, the destruction of pompeii, dwk double down, case histories, the hangman's daughter, the river king, world without end, code name verify, bring me back, think of a number, the silent patient, the vendetta defense, the lost apothecary, summer people, the 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared, the souvenir museum, pinned, true to form, what we keep, black and blue, back when we were grown ups, a map of the world, close to famous, rd 1996, rd 1997, rd 1998, rd 2000, rd 2001, rd ya 4, rd rd, is everyone hanging without me, why not me, how to make a French family, does this beach make me look fat, elvissey, the girls in the picture, the birth of venus, jazz, the diplomats wife, the poppy wife, blood brothers, valley of silence, the winter lodge, honey girl, circle, the best of me, an engagement in Seattle, the lost and found bookshop, use me or lose me, turned out, how to eat a cupcake, the third angel, one less problem without you, cross her heart, Hannah's war, the man you'll marry, the five people you meet in heaven, Eli's promise, run away, rd 2016, the deep end of the ocean, the last time they met, the divide, winter of the world, ariadne, for one more day, white fur, all dressed in white, songs in ordinary time, quentins, the last lecture, blessings, sea glass, nights of rain and stars, beautiful ruins, winter moon, world that we knew, the silent patient, Marley and me, the hurricane sisters, heart and soul, as bright as heaven, Manhattan beach, the thirteenth tale, what the heart remembers, fifty shades of grey, a fine balance, have you seen Luis Velez, blink, tuck ever lasting, black dog, after Anna, the orphan collector, fall of giants, the girls of atomic city, the red tent, giants, scarlet feather, the survivors club, the wonder, circling the sun, life and other inconveniences, the last song, paper towns, a bend in the road, the bone clocks, Tara road, bygones, the alchemist, brave new world, slammed, gone girl, a game of thrones, the perks of being a wallflower, delirium, atonement, Ella enchanted, the rose code, tragedy girl, people we meet on vacation, the vanishing half, heartstopper, the kindest lie, one last stop, storm and fury, a deadly education, it, the tommyknockers, Gerald's game, rose madder, insomnia, misery, Dolores Claiborne, Christine, a good girls guide to murder, the bartenders cure, the magnolia palace, chain of gold, the house of cerulean sea, beach read, anxious people, daughter of the Forest, the collapsing empire, what Alice forgot, the guest list, shadow and bone, Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe, the woman in the window, becoming, the dutch house, Eleanor oliphant is completely fine, the girl on the train, an American marriage, the push, little fires everywhere, paper princess, circe, the gates of alamo, the wife between us, three fates, the bad place, property, that night, a sucky love story, honeybees and frenemies, the snakes, nine, autonomous, the house of brides, shadowblade, the nowhere child, those girls, off the rails, my first rodeo, by silent majority, a whisper of horses, in the shadow of boackbirds, the witches kind, the girl who smiled beads, president of poplar lane, the upside, miracle in the cave, schadenfreude, exit strategy, polite society, which way is home, gone too long, last tango in cyberspace, book lovers, daughter of the moon goddess, black sun, blade of secrets, throne of glass, the diamond eye, a flicker in the dark, the handmaid's tale, the Thursday murder club, the cruel prince, the invisible life of Addie larue, my summer darlings, my annihilation, the sun down motel, the bachelor girls guide to murder, rise, gallant, kusama, the southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires, the Martian, the great Gatsby, one of us is lying, like water for chocolate, Norse mythology, such a fun age, the color purple, the great alone, moon called, the night circus, the nightingale, ask again, yes, small great things, ugly love, invisible ghosts, the book of the city of ladies, cold mountain, hush hush, untouchable, the charmed list, who'd have thought, strike the zither, the cartographers, dead until dark, fallen, the giver, cinder, love in the time of cholera, bloodlines, the goldfinch, legend, everneath, angelfall, the stopover, love on the brain, the inheritance games, my sister's grave, all your perfects, rich blood, lessons in chemistry, regretting you, one of the girls, real bad things, the measure, still life, you made a fool of death with your beauty, the latecomer, gender queer, heatwave, Abby takes a stand, resistance, the atomic city girls, red, white, and royal blue, nine perfect strangers, the poppy war, educated, the Alice network, two can keep a secret, an anonymous girl, station eleven, little women, the mysterious affair at styles, the name of the rose, bury my heart at wounded knee, she's come undone, red dragon, dark places, all the king's men, the firm, the bonfire of the vanities, Franny and zooey, my dark Vanessa, the sheltering sky, midwives, hard times.

    You can read books for pleasure, education, or research, and there are many different genres and styles to choose from, such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and biography.

    You can read books on your own or join a book club to discuss with others. You can also participate in reading challenges or reading programs to help you read more and stay motivated.

    If you have a lot of books, it might be helpful to organize them by genre, author, or title to make it easier to find the book you want. You can also donate or sell books you no longer want to make room for new ones.

    Enjoy your books!

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Restaurants to go
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is Spin The Wheel?

    Spin The Wheel is a free, and easy-to-use, Spin The Wheel is a popular tool often used by teachers and event organizers for conducting random draws. Simply enter the names and spin the wheel to select a winner at random. Customize the look and feel of the wheel, save your creations, and share them with others.
  • What can the wheel of fortune be used for?

    Is it difficult for you to decide what to have for lunch? Create a turntable and choose a restaurant at random.
    Do you need to choose a random name from a large list of names? Create a name turntable and let luck do its job.
    Are you a teacher who wants to choose his students as fairly as possible and make everyone interesting at the same time? Create a name turntable and let the students rotate themselves.
    Just need a random number? Random colors? Roll the dice? There are turntables for these, and there are more.
    Can't decide what to watch on movie night? Create a lucky turntable with a movie list and pick a winner at random.
    Use cases are unlimited, and if you can't find the runner you need in our runner library, you can always create your own runner.
  • Is the wheel really random?

    Yes! When you click the wheel, it accelerates for exactly one second, then it is set to a random rotation between 0 and 360 degrees, and finally it decelerates to a stop.
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